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Crafting To Relieve Stress

I am a busy mom, which makes it exceptionally difficult to relax. A few years ago, I realized that I needed a creative outlet for my stress, and so I started crafting. Every week, I would choose a project around the house to fix up. It was fun to add crown molding to my bathroom, to make a wreath for my front door, and to design holiday decorations for my home. I wanted to create a fun-filled blog where other moms could glean inspiration. Check out these articles for ideas that might help you to make something special and truly customized for your home.


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Crafting To Relieve Stress

Five Quadcopter Mistakes That Could Injure Somebody

by Silvia Soto

Quadcopters are increasingly popular in the United States, and thousands of enthusiasts now love to fly these amazing drones. Unfortunately, your new quadcopter could injure somebody if you don't use the gadget safely. Make sure you don't have any accidents by avoiding the five following flying mistakes.

No pre-flight maintenance checks

Regular use could mean that some of your quadcopter's parts start to wear or come loose. In many cases, you can easily fix these problems with a screwdriver or a spanner, but if you don't check the drone before each flight, a simple mechanical problem could cause an accident.

Things to add to your pre-flight checklist include:

  • Look for loose connectors and joints
  • Check that battery is fully inserted
  • Make sure the rotors are secure and run smoothly
  • Confirm antennas are free to receive the signal

Carry out your maintenance checks before every flight. Even if you don't hurt anyone, an accident could cause serious damage to your drone.

Letting the quadcopter out of your direct line of sight

To safely fly your quadcopter, you must always keep the drone in direct line of sight. Any deviation from this flight technique can result in disaster because if you cannot see the device, you cannot know what is happening, and you cannot respond as required.

It's easy to become disorientated if the drone flies behind an obstruction like a tree for just a few seconds. What's more, any obstacle like this will cut off the connection with your radio controller. A drone out of your control could quickly collide with a building or a person on the ground.

The Federal Aviation Administration now insists that you only pilot a drone that is continually in your line of sight. As such, while the FAA investigates opportunities for other types of drone, you should make sure you stick to this regulation.

Flying over crowds

Quadcopters are popular because they can give the pilot a birds-eye view that he or she could not otherwise get. As such, it's tempting to fly these drones over public events and shows, where you can capture some amazing footage. Nonetheless, if such a flight means flying over crowds, you need to think again.

A momentary lapse of concentration or a loss of control could allow the drone to fly directly into somebody's head. The weight and momentum of a drone can easily cause life-threatening injuries. For example, in 2013, a young Brooklyn man died when his model helicopter accidentally flew into his head. 

Flying too close to buildings and vehicles

While some quadcopter pilots keep their drones away from crowds, some pilots don't realize that buildings and vehicles can also cause problems. A collision with a building is unlikely to injure somebody, but other, more serious accidents can occur due to the interference these buildings can cause.

If your drone gets too close to a building, the construction can interfere with the quadcopter's GPS control mechanism. In turn, the drone may not respond properly to the radio controller, increasing the risk that the device flies out of control and hits people on the ground. As such, it's always sensible to fly the drone at least 30 feet away from buildings and vehicles.

Lack of practice

Your quadcopter is a sophisticated device. Most pilots can earn how to control these drones over time, but you cannot expect to fly without training and practice, and a lot of injuries occur because new pilots don't take time to learn the basics.

For example, you need to make sure you can fly the drone in all modes. You need to learn how to switch from the device's basic stabilize mode so you can quickly take control if the drone gets into trouble in another mode. There are plenty of training resources online to help you learn more about safe flying. A local enthusiasts' group is another good place to get some initial training.

A quadcopter is increasingly likely to appear on every gadget enthusiast's Christmas list, but these devices can cause accidents and injuries if you don't take care with them. Learn how to use your quadcopter safely and enjoy plenty of safe, accident-free flying hours.
